'Tis Meself!

"She's a Dreamer, a Doer, a Thinker. She sees possibility everywhere."

Hello to all you lovely peoples!! So glad you've found me! Do sit and have a cup of tea!

A bit about your crazy authoress!

My name is Bella. I am an old soul, a friend of Narnia and Middle Earth, a reader and a writer. I am generally quiet and introverted, unless you ask my friends. Then you get a different story. (haha)

First and foremost, I am made new in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

I have this weird affinity for beautiful things, rainy days, all things with soul, giant mugs of tea, and little seemingly insignificant moments. Music is my escape from reality and photography is what I aspire to do.  

Dark chocolate and ice cream are gifts from heaven. 'nuff said.

I am a bit of an Anne Shirley at heart, and believe that kindred spirits are not so scarce as I once thought they were.

Enjoying this messy life, with even messier hair. 

I am low key obsessed with Niall Horan's music. I mean, This Town and Flicker? Go listen, now now now!!

I want alllllll the fluffy oversized sweaters!!! 

Books are my best friend, and L.M. Montgomery will always and forever be one of my biggest inspirations.

I am a scribbler, meaning I have about a fifty bajillion plot bunnies bouncing around in my disorganized head, and scribbling down a few notes before I forget the idea entirely is the best I can do. I'm sure I'll write them all down eventually...

Long warm hugs are the bestest ever!!

Photography is and always will be my happy place, my creative way of looking at life through a lens.  

This blog will probably be a place of dysfunction at its finest, and where my jumbled thoughts reign supreme. Do stick around for the crazy ride! I believe we shall
be great friends, you and I!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much girl!! That's so sweet of you :)

  2. I second all of this. <3

    And This Town by Niall is beautiful and L.M. Montgomery's works are so amazing, I love them. <3 ^_^

  3. Ahhh, photography / writer goals!!!

  4. im basically your twin!! lol... i love books, coffee, and music SO much!! thank you for this little space!! :)


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