Movie Critic's Assumptions...
You prefer to be outside than inside.
Definitely! I loooooove the outdoors!! When I can get out I love to hike, or just sit in the sun and enjoy being outside.
Close. I think my favorite color is yellow, and then purple, and then blue, and then pink. It is up there in the favorites :)
You love to sing.
Ooh spot on with this one! I love singing so much! It's actually pretty uncommon for me to ever not have music playing, and driving is the best because I get long periods of time when I can sing as much as I want ;)
Catie's Assumptions...
Yours Myers-Briggs personality type is INFP.
I'm actually not completely sure what my exact Myers Briggs personality is, but I think I'm INFJ :)
Lucy Maud Montgomery is one of your tip-top favorite authors.
Yes! I loooooove L.M. Montgomery! Her books are just so beautiful and sweet and just such perfection!! (especially The Blue Castle!! If you haven't read it, you need to!)
You are 5 feet and 3 or 4 inches tall.
Very, very close! I am 5 Feet and 5 inches tall :D
Your most read genres are classic literature, fantasy, & historical fiction.
I read mostly Historical Fiction, but also quite a bit of Fantasy and Classic Lit. I didn't used to be a huge Fantasy fan, but I've slowly been getting into that more recently, and I enjoy classic literature but sometimes I have a harder time getting through it because of the old language.
You like kittens.
I loooooove kittens!! ^.^
You are 19 years old.
Ah, am I though? The world will never know... ;)
You enjoy watching period dramas.
Indeed! Indubitably! Anything Period Drama is quite my cup of tea!
You love Winnie the Pooh.
Aww Winnie the Pooh is my childhood! I will always love Winnie the Pooh!
You like the Broadway musical "Newsies".
I actually have never seen the Broadway version, but I would like to! I've watched the Disney version, and while it's not the worlds most amazing movie, I do enjoy it. The dancing is fun, and there's nothing wrong with a room full of dancing newsies ;)
And there you have it!! Thank you for questions peeps!! I'm sorry that I've been so inactive lately!! I'm going to try and get on a better schedule soon! Hope you all have a fabulous day!! xxxx, B